My surgery went well and I am healing slowly. I went right back to work the Monday after, and I am doing things very slowly there. My surgery was much more invasive then when Leonard had it done so this may be a long road.
Of course, when it rains, it pours... Emma had a split season and was ready to be bred 2 days after my surgery. A HUGE thank you to KathyTanguay & Genie Bishop - without their help we would not have been able to get this breeding done. Fingers are crossed that Emma x Dallas pups will be born the end of March. It is amazing what we do to get these things done. The theme for this litter will be high-end department stores.
Murphy's Law that everything has to happen at the same time. Luther was away last week on "vacation", courting another very pretty blue girl. Here's hoping that spring will include lots of puppy breath!!
It's good that the surgery went well -- don't push yourself though. A steady, slow healing will serve you well in the long run.
Glad you're back up and starting to feel better! I hope that you heal well and are better than new!
Hope you are feeling better soon!
Exciting news about the possible puppies!
Glad you are on the mend! Cant wait to hear more about the puppies! Let me know if you need a puppy snuggler...its worth the 5+ hour drive :)
I hope your recovery goes well, and that soon you'll have lots of puppies to help with the rehab!
Healing thoughts coming to you - and hope you get some puppies!
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