Monday, August 20, 2012

A pretty face

Yes, I love my collie!  (And my new camera.)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Daily Puppy

Please bear with me and "puppy spam" while I play with the new camera.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Just a few seconds of my life...

Ferdinand - 5 weeks old!

His motto - "Must Love Toys"

Ferdinand is such a little teddy bear!

He's all boy!

His cat impersonation.

New Camera - candids of the pack

We have a new camera, which has been a long time coming.  We're trying to get the hang of it and got some good candids of "the girls" bouncing around!  

Oh that Collie nose!


Sea Sea

Our gorgeous Emma is always so photogenic.

Just like her dignified mum, Sabrina.

Miss Hush