Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Sabrina spent yesterday hospitalized and today we await her spay surgery for pyometra.

I am so trying to keep myself busy while pacing the floors until I hear back from my vet.


Kady Cannon said...

Oh, no!

I'm sorry. One thing I've never dealt with. Yet.

Jeri said...

I'm sorry Holly! I hope she's just fine.

Dawn said...

I am sure she will be fine, but it's hard not to worry. Take care.

manymuddypaws said...

sending good thoughts your way! my friends dog just had that and she came through, and recovered just fine!

coopercreek said...

Holly, sending good wishes and prayers your way for Sabrina.

Sherilyn said...

Oh, I'm so sorry, Holly...sending good thoughts and prayers your way. Take care of yourself, too.


penni said...

It seems that regardless of how hard we try, and how careful we are, things like pyro happen. Best thoughts to you and the dog.

Traci said...


Claire said...

Best wishes for your girl's speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear--sorry this is happening to you. Please keep us updated!

Donna said...

Hi Holly, so, so, sorry to hear about Sabrina. I know it hurts to hear about that. At least you still have her which works for me. I'd rather have my girl than worry about her being able to have puppies. I hope she's ok.

Léo said...

ugh. so sorry Holly.