Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Good Bye, Dad

Charles Leonard Craig
September 5, 1927 - July 21, 2009

Leonard's father passed away tonight, after being very ill and hospitalized for the last week. He is now reunited with his beloved wife, Joan, who left us very suddenly in November 2007. What wonderful people they were.

Leonard is on the road in New Jersey tonight when he got the phone call. I so wish he was here and didn't have to make the trip back home alone. I am going to go snuggle with a few dogs, wishing my husband was here to snuggle with instead...


Sharrie said...

Sorry for your loss.

Dawn said...

My thoughts are with you and Leonard. Sorry for your loss.

Kaye said...

May he rest in peace.

penni said...

My thoughts are with both of you. Though we "know" it's time for goodbyes, it is never easy.

Sherilyn said...

So sorry to hear of your loss, Leonard and Holly. It's never easy, no matter how long we have. Our hearts and prayers are with the whole family during this difficult time.

Traci said...

Oh I'm SO very sorry, Holly. Please pass my condolences onto Leonard. Losing a parent, no matter how long they are ill, is NEVER easy! :( *hugs*

Katrin said...

I am so sorry to hear. Hope both you and Leonard are doing ok.

-Carol- said...

I'm so sorry, Holly and please give my condolences to Leonard as well. My thoughts are with you both.

Lybertygirl said...

I am so very sorry for your loss. The loss of a parent is never easy. Our thoughts and prayers are woth you and your family.

betty said...

I'm so sorry for your family's loss


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and Leonard and the rest of his family.

Qwaynt said...

Condolances to You and Leonard .
Pray and hugs to both of you in this hard time.

coopercreek said...

I'm very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Leonard. Hugs!

Ebonwald Cardigans said...

oh goodness, I'm so sorry Holly. You and Leonard are in my prayers!