Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sport of Choice

Both Katrin & Julie have asked (and answered):

What got you into your sport of choice...why that one, why not another type of dog sport? What else have you tried, but don't care for? What haven't you tried but would like to?

My sport of choice *might* actually be Rally-O even though we have not competed yet! Last night was week 5 of Luther's Basic Obedience class and we had his first private Rally-O course/instruction last Friday. We had a BLAST! I *love* working with my dog as a team and being able to talk to him while we work and to be judged on performance instead of aesthetics.

My second favorite is conformation, when I overlook the politics and poor sportsmanship. There is nothing like winning with a dog and being on the other end of the lead. I haven't been to many shows with "life stuff" getting in the way the last few years, but I am looking to get back out with my youngsters.

Herding is Luther's favorite and I have a great instructor, but I am personally afraid of the sheep. Give me a horse any day of the week. I understand their body language and I am in tune to them. Having sheep run through my legs and try to run me over does scare me.

Agility is Sabrina's forte and since now I have the time to practice weave poles I do hope to compete with her.

Traditional obedience is my last choice, even though that was my start in the world of purebred dogs. To me Rally-O has been the best evolution of this venue.

My start, as I stated in an earlier post, was with a shelter rescued Doberman who we went to obedience class just to be able to live with him and all his bad manners he learned in his first 13 months of life, and we progressed from there. I met one of my closest dog show friends, Bonnie, in that class as we had the two worst behave dogs when we started and had the two best behaved at the end of 8 weeks. He became my first AKC Titled dog.
Goldhoff Damian Debonaire CD CGC TDI

Our obedience instructor had beautiful GSDs and I did get my first GSD from her. Pebbles was the second CD title I put on a dog.

Covy Cafe Au Lai Of Carousel CD "Pebbles"

Through my instructor, her handsome stud dog sired a nice litter, and that is where I got my first conformation dog, and met another of my closest dog show friends, Carolyn, his breeder.

U-CH Visions Beowulfe von Carousel (7 AKC Points, 1 Major Res)

Not being able to compete with my own dog in the conformation ring (GSD politics and double handling) sent me on a search for a breed I *liked* that I could handle myself and win with. That is when I bought Tristan.

So the question is out to all of you in Bloggerland. What got you into your sport of choice...why that one, why not another type of dog sport? What else have you tried, but don't care for? What haven't you tried but would like to?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Holly:

Dr. Wiggins, our favorite Vet, first suggested agility and you seconded the idea! Tucker and I did our first agility trial with you and Sabrina down in Chatham.

I miss Agile Dogs and all my good friends from training so much. Trisha Stall and Melinda Schneider created such a wonderfully supportive yet challenging environment to train. I have not come across anything like it and struggle with the classes we have been in. Can't tell you how much I miss them.

For the sheer fun of it I took Tucker and Lulu to a herding clinic with the Potomac Pembroke Club and who knew but Lulu just was absolutely in her element.

Sheep are not my idea of a good time but nothing puts that smile on Lu's face like 3 sheep! And fortunately she has a wonderful trainer here in Birdsboro.

I also miss my good friends at Patroon Dog Training. I'm sure both dogs are relieved they don't spend every Monday night heeling around in a circle though! Good discipline for all of us but boooooring!

My favorite, training with Trisha and Melinda because of all the fun I had. My 2nd favorite has to be seeing how happy Lulu is herding sheepies.
