Sunday, July 11, 2010

New Element Bling

I saw an orange Element with "The Great Pumpkin" across the back which made me think that mine is my "Little Red Wagon". I had the Sign Barn make me this...


penni said...

Now that's really cute. My daughter-in-law calls my Element "the Blue Toaster" which has nothing to do with the dogs, but is a good description.

Holly said...


@ Penni - did you see the new Kia Soul commercial, with the hamsters going down the road in a toaster. Our "toasters" are way cooler than the Soul!

Taryn said...

Very clever! I like it!

Sherilyn said...

Too cute! Love it! :)

Dawn said...

Very cute!

How are the girls doing? ANy puppy news coming soon?