Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Brutus is lonely...

The photo does not do him justice as he is well over 7" long. Brutus was formally known as "Blackie" since he was a small black moor when purchased 5+ years ago. With age he changed color as he grew.

His partner, LeRoy Brown, a chocolate oranda, passed away on my birthday. My husband was kind enough to let mw know via text message while I was out to dinner with Julie & Katrin. I am now ready to get him another friend. I have been drooling at this online auction. BTW overnight shipping is not included in the purchase price. There will be a new selection posted tomorrow. But, I am a scrooge. I don't want to pay $20+ at the local store for a goldfish. I have never paid that much for a fish. Sounds bad doesn't it?!


Taryn said...

Ok, I have to say I did not know there was such a thing as a "show quality" goldfish!! And, oh my, they are so expensive....I would be afraid it would die from being plopped into water it wasn't used to!
They are pretty, that's for sure!

Ebonwald Cardigans said...

OH I LOVE THAT WEBSITE! In college I would drool over the gorgeous fish...and then scream and run from the prices :) But its worth the 'instant' gratification, instead of having to wait the 5 years to get to that size :)

Good Luck!

cheri said...

I have never and will never pay $20 for a fish! That is unreal! The prices on that website....Shocking!

Cait said...

I have a terrible time resisting the Thai-bred fancy guppies and bettafish on Aquabid... :P