Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cardi Claus pictures!

Luther & Emma thinks the box smells good!

Smokey, our "imaginary kitty" (you will never see him when you come to visit), agrees.

So does our shorthaired kitty, Pearl. Snickers, Magnet & Emma look on.

The high princess, Sabrina, was not leaving her throne or her nylabone, to check out a box.

Look at all the wonderful goodies!! Dog treats, toys, yummy corn & black bean salsa & green chili dip mix, a beautiful candle ...

and a BEAUTIFUL necklace! It looks like Chase with a beautiful yellow flower!!

Luther claimed a toy.

And Emma got one too, but not the one Luther got.

Thanks again Penni, Chase, Inca, Holmes and pups!!


penni said...

You are most welcome -- the best of the holidays to you and Leonard, and all the furry inhabitants.

penni said...

Should have added that Angie Cain at will create a Petoon of a particular dog -- send her a Luther photo and you will get a Luther Petoon. She can then make the pendants, keychains, pins -- whatever you like.

Holly said...

Thanks again Penni! I iwll check out Angie's site!

coopercreek said...

WoW! Awesome loot! Looks like the furkids and hoomans will enjoy some yummy treats.

Flo de Sendai said...

Awwww......cute Cardis !!!