Our last, and ironically my first, goldfish finally made his journey to the rainbow bridge on Saturday after gracing our tank for 7 years. Not wanting the hassle and work associated with goldfish, we are changing the tank over to tropical freshwater fish.
Yesterday we drained the tank and rinsed all the plants and gravel.
Today I bought a heater, extra plants and I wanted a new background. I previously used aluminum foil as a background. It makes an inexpensive mirror. This time I wanted something different, but I wasn't willing to spend my plant budget on a commercial background.
Rita gave me the idea to shop at the dollar store, and on his way home Leonard brought home the beautiful blue table cloth for just $1!!
This is the result, now filled with 30 gallons of water and waiting to get up to temperature...

That is the Titanic. That was the largest expense we had in the tank and it was a "must have" when I saw it on the pet store shelf 5 years ago.
Now I have to pick what pretty tropical fish I will get! I was thinking guppies or mollies, as long as they are bright colored. Maybe even another frog!