Saturday, March 28, 2009

10 days old

2 pounds

1.5 pounds

1.5 pounds

They leave tomorrow to go to their other humans. We will miss them!


Jules said...

They are so darling!!

betty said...

they are so cute!! I'm confused Holly; are they going to their new homes at such a young age??? I must have missed something?????


Holly said...

The pups are still totally dependent on Mum. I never place pups into perm homes until a minimum of 9 weeks.

I co-own Star with good friends. We brought Star here to have her pups.

She goes back to them, with her entire brood, today. I am getting ready to leave for our National very soon and cannot have them here :-(. We will miss them!

Qwaynt said...

nice babies holly and oh so cute

Sherilyn said...

Very nice job with the puppies, they are adorable! I know you will miss them as it's hard to send them off, no matter what age, but I'm really glad you're coming to Nationals! :) See you there!
