Monday, March 1, 2010

Decisions, decisions...

The tile has been chosen.

It is no secret that I (we) hate our bathroom. We have since the moment we first viewed our house. Better late than never, seven years later and we are now renovating!

I hate making decisions! Finding the right tile was a tough one but now finished.

The mosaic will cover the tub surround, with the 6"x6" being the shower area, broken up by a line of the mosaic (2 rows) . The mosaic will also become the sink backsplash. A new (whirlpool) tub, honey maple vanity, medicine cabinet & light bar are also ordered. The bathroom will be expanded into our closet and a book shelf and sitting bench will be built by my DH. I am so blessed to have married such a wonderful (and handy) man!

Now to pick the grout color and paint...


Shep said...

Oh... I really love that color and style. :)

I bet it's going to look fantastic. We have to redo ours shortly, and no kidding, I'll spend more hours on tile color than I will on buying the right color collar for dogs... ;)

(That says something right there.)

Qwaynt said...

like it cool

Taryn said...

What fun!It's always so satisfying to upgrade a part of the house, but you are right, all the decisions are tough! I think your tile looks lovely! Looking forward to seeing pictures of the finished project.

Sherilyn said...

Love the colors..anything will go with that now! Can't wait to see the finished product! After your honey is done, could you please send him my way? I have LOTS that needs to be done to our house! LOL See you at Nationals?? :)