Monday, January 19, 2009

The grim facts of where I used to work...

I am so glad that this is finally getting media attention! Thank you Times Union for bringing the truth to the attention of the public.

I was a loyal employee of Xero Fax just 1.5 weeks shy of 6 years. I loved my job and would still be there if the owner of our company didn't with hold pay checks from us. I am owed the entire month of November, as well as for medical bills. I was paying for health insurance but our policy was canceled, without my knowledge, 20 days prior to my last doctor visit due to non-payment. What a way to end the year.

I am looking to brighter things for 2009!


penni said...

What a terrible situation, Holly. I hope you find another job that you enjoy (where they pay their employees and the health premiums). I'm afraid we are going to see more situations like this, however. The government calls it a "recession" or a "deep recession", but it's beginning to look to me like the "D" word.

Léo said...

I agree with Penni.

I hope for the best for you Holly. I hope we all are able to get through this ok. It's scary.


betty said...

what a sad state of events; makes you wonder how the father would be feeling on how the company was treating the employees; all bad news but the part that irks me the most is not notifying you all that there was no insurance coverage


Qwaynt said...

OHH What a pain. Hope 2009 is better. I agree with Penny too.

Sherilyn said...

So sorry to hear about bad things are going...I am seeing and hearing about way too much of that right now. I wish a much brighter and happier 2009 for you.


Anonymous said...

Oh man, what a mess. Good luck on finding a new and wonderful job. (I should mail you the Lucky Job Finding Business Card holder- I've been at my current IT job for two years now and LOVE it.)

Holly said...

Thank you everyone for your support. Wish I could give you all a big hug.